Warrior Womens Circles

Empowerment Circle.

Magic’s made when we come together in circle to embrace our sacred feminine and share in ways to calm minds and bodies and increase vibrational energy.

Embodying the sacred feminine allows modern women to cultivate a rich, balanced, and empowered life, fostering personal growth and contributing towards a more equitable and compassionate society.

We come to share personal wisdom, story and life experience with one another, to speak, to listen, to teach and to learn.

Circle is a safe and sacred space that women have been creating for millennia. Now is the time to return to circle.

This circle is held on a Wednesday (chosen dates).

New Moon Circles.

New Moon Circles offer a powerful space for reflection, intention-setting, and deep inner work. Women from all walks of life come together in these circles to honour the darkness and embrace the transformative energy that the new moon brings.

In the safe container of a New Moon Circle, women share their experiences, support one another, and celebrate their individual and collective growth. This ancient practice offers women a sense of belonging, empowerment, and renewal as they embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation.

These gatherings allow women to connect with their inner selves, and plant the seeds of their desires, to manifest a life they love.

See EVENTS & TICKETS for our upcoming circles

Full Moon Circles.

Full moon circles are powerful and invigorating gatherings where women come together to connect with the full moon's energy.

During these circles, women harness the lunar energy, charging themselves with its vibrant and abundant qualities. The shared experience of the full moon circle offers a supportive and nurturing environment that empowers women to embrace their authentic selves, explore their intuitive wisdom, and gain clarity in their lives. Through the full moon's magic, these circles provide a profound opportunity for personal growth, healing, and collective sisterhood.

We use the full moon as an opportunity to RELEASE what no longer serves us to make room for new opportunities and growth.

See EVENTS & TICKETS for our upcoming circles